
    // Profile [default] removed from storage for this session.
    // The SAVE_CONFIG command will update the printer
    // configuration and restart the printer
    12:34:20 $ BED_MESH_PROFILE SAVE=”RF2000″
    12:34:20 $ BED_MESH_PROFILE REMOVE=”default”
    12:34:20 $ SAVE_CONFIG
    12:34:20 // Bed Mesh state has been saved to profile [RF2000]
    // for the current session. The SAVE_CONFIG command will
    // update the printer config file and restart the printer.
    12:34:20 // No profile named [default] to remove
    12:34:21 // Klipper state: Disconnect
    12:34:25 // Klipper state: Ready
    12:34:29 $ SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=extruder TARGET=200
    12:34:31 $ SET_HEATER_TEMPERATURE HEATER=heater_bed TARGET=65
    12:34:39 $ G28
    12:34:49 $ QUERY_PROBE
    12:34:50 // probe: open
    12:34:50 $ QUERY_PROBE
    12:34:51 // probe: open
    12:34:51 $ QUERY_PROBE
    12:34:51 // probe: open
    12:34:58 $ BED_MESH_CALIBRATE
    12:35:05 // probe at 0.000,55.000 is z=-0.144141
    12:35:11 // probe at 0.000,55.000 is z=-0.141797
    12:35:17 // probe at 0.000,55.000 is z=-0.141016
    12:35:29 // probe at 39.001,55.000 is z=0.000391
    12:35:35 // probe at 39.001,55.000 is z=0.000000
    12:35:40 // probe at 39.001,55.000 is z=0.003125
    12:35:51 // probe at 78.002,55.000 is z=0.079297
    12:35:57 // probe at 78.002,55.000 is z=0.079688
    12:36:03 // probe at 78.002,55.000 is z=0.081250
    12:36:13 // probe at 117.003,55.000 is z=0.104688
    12:36:19 // probe at 117.003,55.000 is z=0.105469
    12:36:25 // probe at 117.003,55.000 is z=0.107813
    12:36:35 // probe at 155.997,55.000 is z=0.145703
    12:36:41 // probe at 155.997,55.000 is z=0.147656
    12:36:46 // probe at 155.997,55.000 is z=0.148438
    12:36:56 // probe at 194.998,55.000 is z=0.134375
    12:37:02 // probe at 194.998,55.000 is z=0.134766
    12:37:08 // probe at 194.998,55.000 is z=0.134766
    12:37:19 // probe at 194.998,139.998 is z=0.080469
    12:37:25 // probe at 194.998,139.998 is z=0.079688
    12:37:30 // probe at 194.998,139.998 is z=0.082031
    12:37:41 // probe at 155.997,139.998 is z=0.106641
    12:37:47 // probe at 155.997,139.998 is z=0.107422
    12:37:52 // probe at 155.997,139.998 is z=0.107031
    12:38:03 // probe at 117.003,139.998 is z=0.127734
    12:38:08 // probe at 117.003,139.998 is z=0.127344
    12:38:14 // probe at 117.003,139.998 is z=0.126953
    12:38:24 // probe at 78.002,139.998 is z=0.112500
    12:38:30 // probe at 78.002,139.998 is z=0.112891
    12:38:36 // probe at 78.002,139.998 is z=0.111328
    12:38:47 // probe at 39.001,139.998 is z=0.015234
    12:38:52 // probe at 39.001,139.998 is z=0.014453
    12:38:58 // probe at 39.001,139.998 is z=0.016406
    12:39:09 // probe at -0.000,139.998 is z=-0.020312
    12:39:15 // probe at -0.000,139.998 is z=-0.022266
    12:39:21 // probe at -0.000,139.998 is z=-0.023047
    12:39:32 // probe at -0.000,225.002 is z=0.242969
    12:39:38 // probe at -0.000,225.002 is z=0.239063
    12:39:44 // probe at -0.000,225.002 is z=0.237500
    12:39:53 // probe at 39.001,225.002 is z=0.238281
    12:39:58 // probe at 39.001,225.002 is z=0.241406
    12:40:04 // probe at 39.001,225.002 is z=0.241797
    12:40:13 // probe at 78.002,225.002 is z=0.169531
    12:40:19 // probe at 78.002,225.002 is z=0.171094
    12:40:25 // probe at 78.002,225.002 is z=0.172266
    12:40:35 // probe at 117.003,225.002 is z=0.120313
    12:40:40 // probe at 117.003,225.002 is z=0.122266
    12:40:46 // probe at 117.003,225.002 is z=0.122266
    12:40:57 // probe at 155.997,225.002 is z=0.106641
    12:41:02 // probe at 155.997,225.002 is z=0.107422
    12:41:08 // probe at 155.997,225.002 is z=0.106250
    12:41:19 // probe at 194.998,225.002 is z=0.059766
    12:41:24 // probe at 194.998,225.002 is z=0.062109
    12:41:30 // probe at 194.998,225.002 is z=0.062891
    12:41:30 // Mesh Bed Leveling Complete
    12:41:30 // Bed Mesh state has been saved to profile [default]
    // for the current session. The SAVE_CONFIG command will
    // update the printer config file and restart the printer.
    12:41:37 $ SAVE_CONFIG
    12:41:38 // Klipper state: Disconnect
    12:41:42 // Klipper state: Ready

    Da hier noch + Werte waren musste ich den Endstop in Z-Home höher nehmen (früher auslösen) um auf negative Werte zu kommen. Vorsicht wegen dem Endschalter (nicht zu Hoch)